
長谷川時夫ブッダガヤコンサート(大菩薩寺の仏陀と平和の祭典)TOKIO HASEGAWA CONCERT at Bodh Mahotsav 2014

I did a stone performance and music, 6 Feb in Budhagaya .

アナウンスの【日本語訳】はこちらです。 English translation of the announcement is here.

 4 th 6th Feb BUDH MAHOTSAV 

From Japan

1MR TOKIO HASEGAWA (vocal, composer)

2MR MITSUO TAMURA (stone performance)


4MR KEISUKE SAKAI (synthesizer)

5MS JUNKO AOYAMA (Japanese drum)

From Bangalore

6MS YUKI KANEKO (electric violin)


女性アナウンサー (ヒンディー語)
 まず、我々がステージに招待しているチームは、日本のチームである。「ストーン・パフォーマンス」 と呼ばれ、そのオリジナル・ミュージックを演奏するチームです。このチームは、長谷川氏がリーダーです。

男性アナウンサー (英語)
 大変よくご存知のマドゥバニ・ペインティング は世界のペインティングの中でも、最も期待され秘蔵とされているもののひとつです。この33年間、長谷川氏は、たくさんのマドゥバニ・ペインティング を集め、ミティラー美術館を新潟の山の上に設立しました。彼はミュージアムを作りましたが、私たちは、そこをビハールから訪れる必要があります。




男性アナウンサー (英語)
 これは、ご覧いただいたように、この3日間のフェスティバルを楽しむために集まった観客のあなたの卓越したパフォーマンスに対する大変な賞賛と感謝 です。
(意味)     長谷川さんすみません。あなたのパフォーマンスを評価し楽しんだどよめく観客をご覧になっているので、ご理解されていると思いますが。


私たちは、Govt.オフィサー Mr. Prabhat Kumar Jha 氏にお願いしたいのですが、our Member-Secretary Mr. M. Dorji and the Superintendent of Police of Jehanabad (District)を、日本からのアーティストにお祝いの言葉を述べるためにステージにエスコートしてくださいませんでしょうか。Member-Secretary Mr. M. Dorji and the Superintendent of Poice of Jehanabadはどうぞ前に出てください。


間もなくMr. Dorji が長谷川氏にショールをプレゼント。このショールは、マドゥバニ・ペインティングがプリントされています。


観客とソニさんを見て。ソニさん、私たちの観客は確かにすばらしい。(彼らはMr. Dorji がマドゥバニ・ペインティングがプリントされているショールを長谷川氏にプレゼントするのを見て楽しんだ)



【English translation】

Female announcer (in Hindi)  -     First of all the team we’re calling (on to the stage) is a team from Japan (called) “STONE PERFORMANCE’ which comes with its original music. Mr. Tokio Hasegawa is leading the team.         (You all know very well that) Madhubani Painting is the pride of Bihar. People all over the world know about Madhubani Painting. (It is Bihar’s symbol/ mark of identification/recognition).
The most special (interesting ) thing we want to tell you here today is that Mr. Hasegawa has built a Museum of Madhubani Art (with a huge collection of paintings) on top of a mountain in Japan. He has the distinction of bringing nearly 300 Indians (artists etc.) to Japan and of introducing (on a big scale) the civilization & culture of India to people of his country.
This is indeed a great thing. I’d, therefore, request you all to greet Mr Hasegawa with a big hand/ applause.

Male announcer (in English)  -         Yes, indeed we’re very lucky today to have an internationally acclaimed artist and a musician coming before us on this dais (stage) for a performance at International Bodh Mahotsava.  May we welcome Mr. Tokio Hasegawa on the dais and request him to take positions
alongwith his musicians as we introduce him.  Yes, putting  your hands together (i.e clapping) with loud rounds of applause (please) welcome Mr. Tokio Hasegawa and his team-members.
As he gets set for the performance and the music I’ll introduce (tell you) who he is and what he is going to do this evening.               During the last 33 years  Mr. Hasegawa has introduced more than 300 people from India to various parts of Japan for the purpose of culture, co-operating (in co-operation )with  the Indian Embassy (in Japan).     He is also very famous and very well-known all over the world for Madhubani Paintings (about which) Soni Ji (Ms Soni, the lady-announcer) was mentioning .
You know very well Madhubani Paintings are one of the most tusted & treasured category of paintings in the world. And Mr. Hasegawa, in these 33 years, collected so many Madhubani Paintings and has opened a Mithila Museum in Japan at a place called Niigata over the top of a hill. He has a Museum which we, from Bihar, need to go and visit.         He is a very famous modern music-composer and for today’s performance he has composed the music himself.    Today’s performance is  “ STONE PERFORMANCE “ ; (the) name of the performance is  “Stone Performance “ and this has his original music created by him and has never been heard before anywhere else.
He (Mr. Hasegawa) also explained why stones  ---      (in HINDI) You can see he has placed some stones over here (on the stage)   ----
There are 3 pieces of stones (placed over here).  I asked him why ?
He says , “ Stone is the Mother of Soil.  Soil is the Mother of Forest. Therefore, Stone is the Mother of Forest.  Whole Universe is made up of Stone.  Stone is at the center of the Universe.”
Like Hanuman Ji (Lord Hanuman)  ----ANNOUNCER’S VOICE NOT CLEAR
Who lifted up a stone-mountain  ----
Mr. Hasegawa has lifted up 3 stones and placed them here.
He says MOON is a stone. Stone is the most beautiful material on earth.  This is a highly spiritual and philosophical presentation – “ THE STONE PERFORMANCE “ by Mr. Tokio Hasegawa.


After performance
Male announcer  (in Enlish)  --    Thank you Mr. Hasegawa and your team.  (This) very extended-up applause and the acknowledgment (of your excellent performance) you have seen, of our congregation (audience) who have come here to enjoy Day 3 (of this Festival)
(MEANING  ;-   I’m sure, Mr. Hasegawa, you have understood (by seeing the thunderous applause) and have realized how very much this audience has appreciated & enjoyed your performance.)
Thank you very much for a glorious beginning of the Day 3 (of our Festival).
Thank you very much.

Female announcer  (in Hindi) --     Now we request the Japanese artistes to remain on the stage (and not to leave the stage)

We request the Deputy Collector (Govt. Officer) Mr. Prabhat Kumar Jha to kindly escort & bring to the stage our Member-Secretary Mr. M. Dorji and the Superintendent of Police of Jehanabad (District) in order to felicitate (honour) the artises from Japan.
I request our Member-Secretary Mr. M. Dorji and the Superintendent of Poice of Jehanabad to kindly come forward.
Male announcer (in English) --   ( I ) request Mr. Hasegawa and his team to stay at the dais (stage) for
a moment to receive felicitations.  Please
( I ) request your team-members to please join.    Please join Mr. Hasegawa.  He himself is a singer, composer and orchestrator (conductor of orchestra) which he presented to you right away and you enjoyed the presentation so very well.

FEMALE ANNOUNCER (IN HINDI )  --     And while Mr. Dorji presents the shawl (to Mr. Hasegawa) let me
Tell you that this shawl also has a Madhubani Painting painted on it. (clapping by audience)
MALE ANNOUNCER (IN ENGLISH)  -- ( Look at the applause, Ms Soni) Soni Ji , our audience is simply great.  (They are overjoyed to hear that the shawl which Mr. Dorji is presenting to Mr. Hasegawa has also a Madhubani Painting on it.)
Female announcer (in Hindi) --   You are quite right.  We don’t have to tell them (the audience) to applaud. (Their applause is spontaneously  coming straight from  their hearts).
Thank you very much indeed.